Georges Hattab bio photo

Classification Mushroom Data 2020

The Classification Mushroom Data 2020 provides a comprehensive overview of mushroom species, focusing on their physical characteristics and classification as either poisonous or edible.

Classification Mushroom Data 2020

Data Set Description

  • Primary Data: Describes 173 mushroom species, used for simulating hypothetical mushrooms.
  • Secondary Data: Contains 61,069 hypothetical mushrooms for binary classification.

Source code and data are available for download under CC BY 4.0 Licensing.

Data Set Characteristics

Characteristic Details
Type Multivariate
Number of Instances 173 (Primary), 61,069 (Secondary)
Number of Variables 20
Attribute Characteristics Qualitative and Quantitative
Date Published 15.10.2020
Missing Values Yes (Primary), No (Secondary)

Primary Data Set Characteristics

Characteristic Details
Type Multivariate
Number of Instances 173
Number of Variables 20
Attribute Characteristics Qualitative and Quantitative
Date Published 15.10.2020
Associated Tasks Data simulation
Missing Values Yes
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Secondary Data Set Characteristics

Characteristic Details
Type Multivariate
Number of Instances 61,069
Number of Variables 20
Attribute Characteristics Qualitative and Quantitative
Date Published 15.10.2020
Associated Tasks Binary classification
Missing Values No
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Comparison with UCI 1987

The Mushroom Data 2020 provides a modernized approach to mushroom classification, building on the foundational UCI 1987 data set. While the UCI 1987 dataset focused on a limited number of species with predefined attributes, the 2020 dataset expands significantly in terms of species diversity and number of hypothetical instances. This expansion allows for more robust machine learning applications and provides a comprehensive testbed for binary classification tasks. For more details, please see the Results section of the publication.


Wagner, D., Heider, D., & Hattab, G. (2021). Mushroom data creation, curation, and simulation to support classification tasks. Scientific Reports, 11, 8134. 10.1038/s41598-021-87602-3.

Data Variables

Variable Measurement Values
cap-diameter Quantitative Float number in cm
cap-shape Qualitative bell=b, conical=c, convex=x, flat=f, sunken=s, spherical=p, others=o
cap-surface Qualitative fibrous=i, grooves=g, scaly=y, smooth=s, shiny=h, leathery=l, silky=k, sticky=t, wrinkled=w, fleshy=e
cap-color Qualitative brown=n, buff=b, gray=g, green=r, pink=p, purple=u, red=e, white=w, yellow=y, blue=l, orange=o, black=k
does-bruise-bleed Qualitative bruises-or-bleeding=t, no=f
gill-attachment Qualitative adnate=a, adnexed=x, decurrent=d, free=e, sinuate=s, pores=p, unknown=?
gill-spacing Qualitative close=c, distant=d, none=f
gill-color Qualitative see cap-color
stem-height Quantitative Float number in cm
stem-width Quantitative Float number in mm
stem-root Qualitative bulbous=b, swollen=s, club=c, cup=u, equal=e, rhizomorphs=z, rooted=r
stem-surface Qualitative see cap-surface
stem-color Qualitative see cap-color
veil-type Qualitative partial=p, universal=u
veil-color Qualitative see cap-color
has-ring Qualitative ring=t
ring-type Qualitative cobwebby=c, evanescent=e, flaring=r, grooved=g, large=l, pendant=p, sheathing=s, zone=z, scaly=y, movable=m, none=f, unknown=?
spore-print-color Qualitative see cap color
habitat Qualitative grasses=g, leaves=l, meadows=m, paths=p, heaths=h, urban=u, waste=w, woods=d
season Qualitative spring=s, summer=u, autumn=a, winter=w


All source code and data are open-source and available for modification under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0.