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Dataset Name: Peptide and Protein Molecular Encoder Data 2024
Number of Variables: Not applicable (sequence data)
Data Type: Fasta Files
Number of Instances: Varies by dataset
Key Characteristics: Categorical
Description: Comprehensive data on molecular encodings and representations for machine learning tasks, particularly focusing on peptide and protein classification.
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Dataset Name: Visual Story of Data Storage Data 2021
Number of Variables: 9
Data Type: Historical Data
Number of Instances: 28 storage technologies
Key Characteristics: Quantitative and Categorical
Description: Historical overview of data storage technologies, detailing their properties and evolution.
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Dataset Name: Classification Mushroom Data 2020
Number of Variables: 20
Data Type: Textual
Number of Instances: 61,069
Key Characteristics: Multivariate
Description: Comprehensive overview of mushroom species focusing on classification as edible or poisonous.
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Dataset Name: Silicone Uniaxial Test Data 2020
Number of Variables: 3
Data Type: Measurement Data
Number of Instances: 5 silicone mixtures (M1 to M5)
Key Characteristics: Quantitative
Description: Analysis of stress-strain relationships in silicone mixtures for the design of silicone-based organ replicas.
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Dataset Name: Kidney Boundary Detection Data 2017
Number of Variables: Not applicable (image data)
Data Type: Medical Imaging
Number of Instances: 100 annotated images
Key Characteristics: Quantitative
Description: Focuses on the detection of kidney boundaries in medical imaging, providing a dataset for training and evaluating segmentation algorithms.
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